Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Weather

So, I don't want to make you all too jealous so I will keep this one short. I know the weather hasn't been too great back home but I really am liking the Mediterranean weather thing they got going on over here. It's been pretty mild since we've got here, only a few weeks of rain (knock on wood) and the weather is finally starting to break. It's been really nice out and we took a train to the beach two weekends ago and last weekend I went to the Amalfi Coast which is about 4 hours from Rome. Needless to say I am picking up a nice golden brown color over here. It's been between 65-70 degrees (and sunny!) so I am knocking on wood in hopes that it stays that way. The weathers great for running in the park and cute little sundresses. The only problem is I think it must get into the 100's here in the late summer because the Italian's still think its cold out so they are still wearing winter coats and sweaters. I have been trying to fit in with the locals so I am still wearing my jeans but I don't know how long that's gonna last. I think they're actually crazy. I had to break down and wear some cute summer clothes when we were in the Amalfi Coast because the beach towns are just too perfect (and warm) not to be dressed like it's summer even if it does mean standing out as a touristy American.

From the top of Positano

On the beach :)
We also made a trip to Capri, were they're famous for lemons, lemoncello, hand making sandals and the Blue Grotto (which of course we explored in a rowboat that I am sure was about to tip over because of the mass amounts of waves...)

The bluest water! And that little hole of light is how our little rinky dink row boat got into the cave

Cutest little old Italian man just hand making sandals.....notice his wool sweater even though its beautiful out
Anyways, now I am back in Rome and people are still wearing coats...and I still think its entirely too nice out so I am going to pack away my boots and coat. I have officially one month left in Rome and I am definitely not spending it in wool sweaters. I hope all is good at home and it starts to warm up so  you all can enjoy yourselves and so by the time I'm home I can enjoy some hockey games on the big screen downtown. Let's Go Pens :)

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